A review by sianfergs
Manage Your Money Like a F*cking Grownup: The Best Money Advice You Never Got by Sam Beckbessinger


I strongly recommend this book to anyone (especially young South Africans) who want to understand and manage their finances better!

It's quite difficult to emphasize how enjoyable and useful this book is. Every single sentence is either incredibly informative, incredibly entertaining, or both. I didn't want to put this book down, which is seldom something you hear people say about personal finance books.

What I like about this book is that it's very easy to read, and thus great for beginners. It's also very funny, and the graphs/flowcharts/cartoon cat balloons make it easier to understand plus pretty fun. Another thing I like about this book is that it encourages you to manage your finances but doesn't shit mercilessly on poor people, which many personal finance books do. The fact that the author is realistic about inequality and the nature of poverty made me trust her more.

I've been going on about this book to anyone who'll listen ever since I've started reading it, but really - it's a fantastic book. I've already put a lot of her advice into action and I feel way more in control of my money already.

Thank you, Sam! This book has undoubtedly improved many lives, and I hope it will continue to do so!