A review by skywisefox
The House of a Hundred Whispers by Graham Masterton


This book started off with a classic premise of a murdered relative, a will, and a creepy old house. All the makings of a haunting tale to keep you up at night… but somehow it just came across as dull and boring. The writing was dry. The atmosphere wasn’t remotely spooky. I didn’t find myself sympathizing with the characters. While bad things happened, it was almost like just writing the concept rather than telling a story. I wanted to DNF multiple times but I always try to finish every book I start. The ending did get a little better with the lore and conflict increasing… but the pacing still seemed terribly off. Not to mention there was a pointless attempted sexual assault which really should have been edited out because there are other was to make the criminals come across as, well, criminal. All and all, the greatest horror this book brings is the horror of suffering through reading it. 

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