A review by allyreadsromance
And I Darken by Kiersten White


That was fascinating!! A book full of intriguing characters that are vivid and full of life! Yet definitely very messed up. I'm not quite sure all of my feelings yet, but I am curious as to what is going to happen. How much will Vlada follow the historical Vlad?

Vlada is brilliant, strong, brutal, and maybe psychotic?! Radu is her equally opposite brother! Who learns from weakness and becomes strong through knowledge and court life.

It kept the romance very YA appropriate. There was kissing and they was about it. Allusions to other things but it was all very behind closed doors.

*****Spoiler Warning******

As for the "love story"' that is where things get very hairy. A brother in love with the same man as his sister was strange. I felt the brother could have safely stayed in the realm of friendship without the other feelings. Then the same situation with his wife. We have Vlada completely unknowledgeable in anything feminine. She is so confused by her own desires for M and her need for freedom and revenge. It's also very hard to root for this love story. M is so in love with L but he has wives, a harem, and children. So reading it is difficult because you want Lada to me happy but you know it's not going to work. I am curious how it will turn out!