A review by itspronouncedtessa
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
How did this win awards? This read like a bad improv "yes, and"-exercise went on for too long. AND a trans musical prodigy AND Faustian deals AND galactic warfare AND ott casual racism AND all flavors of abuse. I didn't get far enough to know if there are talking animals, wood elves or super powers too, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised. 

I like the premise, I like the message that bodies don't matter, only souls do. I like music being the underlying drive, all of that is gorgeous. 

But the characters are one-dimensional, the writing is mainly exposition through stilted dialogue and the story is meandering yet still predictable. 

It tries to do way too much with way too little and I got way too irritated to continue past 30%.

Also, be aware of some pretty harsh in your face descriptions of sexual, physical and emotional abuse.