A review by frozensnowshoe
Hula by Jasmin Iolani Hakes


The author is clearly sending a message that Hawai'i should be for Hawaiians only and haole is not welcome. She makes it a point to say that she will not describe the steps in hula, as this is not a how to, and it is sacred only to those who created it.

One of the main characters, Hi'i, makes a comment to a haole that she should not be learning hula because it is for "them" only. The character is self conscious because she is mixed and light skinned so to feel superior and like she belongs she tells the white girl that hula is not for her. I do not disagree with what Hi'i says. It is just important to note that while Hi'i is made to feel like an outsider for being mixed/light skinned, she makes others even further removed from the culture feel alienated as well.

The narrating voice switches to first person when lecturing the reader about Hawai'i and its history and colonization. It paints it as we v. everyone else. It is not clear who the first person voice really is, it is none of the main characters, but rather the author or some third unknown "we."

The author tries to sound woke. Making a comment that Dole is exploiting the land and while I agree with the sentiment, the writing is cringy.

Stopped caring around page 188. Finished it and was fine.