A review by lelandbuck
In the Small by Devon Hague, Michael Hague


(The following is extracted from a review I wrote on my blog.)

In the Small is Michael Hague's first foray into the wold of Graphic Novels. Michael has been a successful illustrator for nearly thirty years and is one of the few (if not the only) illustrators I know of who has illustrated J.R.R. Tolkien without making a career out of Tolkien. (In fact almost all other available illustrated editions of Tolkien currently available are from Alan Lee and John Howe).

In The Small is an apocalyptic tale of survival in which a young man's sensitivity to premonitions give rise to his leadership in the post apocalypse. The story very compelling despite its being one of many post-apocalyptic tales. Also, the details of how the apocalypse comes is quite new in interesting. But what really made this book so enjoyable for me was Michael's unparalleled talent as an illustrator.

There is indeed something refreshing in seeing a "traditional" illustrator make the transition to a more modern form like Graphic Novels and do it so well. I ran into Michael and his son Devon (neither of whom do I know particularly well, but who I have met a few times) about 2 years ago in a bookshop, and they both mentioned that they were interested in graphic novels and starting to work on one. I am disappointed to say that my first thought was, "why?" (More a commentary on my past snobbery towards Graphic Novels than my opinion of Mr. Hague.) Well, Michael, I am now pleased to say, I feel foolish for even thinking it. I'll be one of the first to purchase the second installment and I'll openly encourage others to check out In the Small.