A review by tarazagata
Bound to You: Volumes 1-3 by Vanessa Booke


This was my first read of Vanessa Brooke and man am I glad I didn't have to wait for all the parts to come out.

Rebecca is every woman, she's curvy and spunky and everything we want to be in our heads. It was amazing to read her character and watch her grow. From the time we are introduced to her and she is punching someone who deserves it to the very end where I held my breath to see how it was going to end I loved her, I wanted to be her.
Nicholas is everything she is supposed to stay away from, he's everything on her list of don'ts in a man.
"The Run-Like-Hell List: I, Rebecca Gellar, vow that under no circumstances will I fuck sleep with any man especially Nicholas who falls under these:
1. Arrogant.
2. Dangerously handsome.
3. Brooding.
4. Domineering.
5. Possessive.
6. Playboy."

Nick is everything she wants and everything she can't have, from their chance meetings to her new job as the assistant of the owners son she has no room for wanting him. But like a moth to a flame she can't help it.

This story had me not wanting to put it down, I read the set in a day and was left still wanting to know more about them!
Go get this series you'll love it!