A review by judeinthestars
The Inn at Netherfield Green by Aurora Rey


Not the most exciting novel I’ve read lately but still a pretty cosy read. If you’re looking for something mellow and easy for the weekend, this would be a good choice.

Lauren Montgomery is a New York advertising executive, whose life gets turned upside down in a couple of days when she loses her job (for unfair reasons) and inherits an inn and pub in a small English town. Needing a break from her life, she decides to move to England and see how to make the best of a crappy situation. Hopefully, renovating the inn, marketing it to the best of her abilities and then selling it will allow her to open her own agency. Once there, she meets Cam Crawley, a local gin distiller, who is very much opposed to anything changing. Both women find the other incredibly attractive while at the same time being convinced the other dislikes her.

I loved Lauren, especially the way she’s able to listen to other people’s opinions and point of view. I felt Cam’s family was underutilized. A family business, four sisters, three of which still live in the same village, there was potential for so much more. But I really liked what we saw of Jane and Sophie, and the best friends on each side (Charlotte and Anja) were excellent. They deserve their own spin-off, especially as they’re both poly, which could make for a great story if well-thought. And I might have to give gin another try…

I received a copy from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving a review.