A review by swagkermit
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


I think of this as the quintessential "red flag" book and after reading, I don't understand. I need to get off social media. 

I've heard that it's best to read this for the first time when you're a teenager, as you can relate more to Holden's mindset, but I didn't have too much trouble (maybe that was the red flag all along). Holden just seemed like...an aimless teenage boy? There wasn't much he did that was extreme. I thought the last quarter of the book was especially good. 

I loved Phoebe, these truly are the things to care about in life:

- What has our government done to make life easier for the Alaskan eskimos?
- Shirley you said you were sagitarius but your only taurus

Anyway, it took me a while to get through this but it was really worth reading! I was not expecting to enjoy it at all but it surprised me :)