A review by tanjalunney
Empowered: How God Shaped 11 Women's Lives (and Can Shape Yours Too) by Catherine Parks


Catherine Park’s juvenile non-fiction novel, Empowered, How God Shaped 11 Women’s Lives (And Can Shape Yours Too), shares the testimonies of 11 women who bravely endured challenging circumstances through God’s strength and power. Each chapter introduces each one of these amazing women of faith by a quote and a hand-drawn picture. You will read through parts of their testimony and research provided. After their stories unfold, you are left with pages where you are able to reflect upon each woman’s traits. Some of these traits include gratitude, loving the unlovable, and fearing God not man. At the very end of each chapter Park’s provides questions to reflect upon.

When I was graciously provided this book by B&H Publishers, I had no idea that it was aimed at children and young tweens. The cover will grab your attention right away with all of the bright colors. The illustrations inside of Empowered are simply beautiful. The 11 women that Park’s chose to focus on with help do exactly what the title says, empower and shape the audience’s livelihood.

Overall I give this book a 3/5 and would recommend it to Mother’s who want their young girls to know about women of faith. We are told that it is not only by the blood of Jesus but the power of our testimony. I plan on passing this read onto someone else. This book is aimed more toward late elementary or young junior high girls. Empowered was an easy read and I loved hearing and learning more about women who have shaped our faith.

Thank you to B&H Publishers for graciously providing this novel for me to review.