A review by breeperscreepers
The Devil Aspect by Craig Russell

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I should've loved this, it's got all of the right ingredients for a dark tale involving a serial killer inspired by Jack the Ripper, an asylum for heinous criminals housed within a medieval castle, and POV's from a detective and psychiatrist. However the writing was not at all to my taste - everything was so surface level, lots of meaningless mumbo-jumbo from the psychiatrist and the detective focused mostly on his inner ruminations, not enough on the crime scenes or police procedures. Every woman is either ugly or nondescript, or flawlessly dark and beautiful, and both men are instantly besotted with the first female they encounter within the story. The plot and dialogue do not feel realistic and everything happens too coincidentally. And lastly, the Devil's Six - the crimes they committed are simply not worthy of being considered the worst criminals in Europe, getting an entire maximum security asylum dedicated to these six individuals is laughable.