A review by upokyin
Count Belisarius by Robert Graves


Two and a half stars really. The main reason I enjoyed this book is because I learned a lot from it about the history of the eastern Roman empire, the course of political events in sixth century and the various tribes involved.
However, that is really all that I liked about it. Although the battle scene descriptions were tense and exciting at first, after the third battle, this became rather tedious - a litany of one battle after another.
I was also surprised and rather disappointed at the lack of military detail. Not that I am a fan of warfare or things military, but if I am reading an account of a general on campaign, then I might as well gain an insight into life in the army, its strategies, tactics and weaponry. But no, the author makes scant mention of the military terminology of the time - his descriptions read more like an eyewitness account of a scene in a modern newspaper - for example, he refers to the spears, lances, javelins and swords used by the Romans as....well....spears, lances, javelins and swords - no mention of the names of these famous weapons nor any explanation as to why they were so effective in battle.
I also found it difficult to visualise any of the characters as Graves never describes their physical appearance. The fascinating intrigue of the Byzantine court mentioned in some comments here only really develops towards the end of the novel. Furthermore there is no character development whatsoever. Though this book has great potential, it unfortunately fails to capitalise on it.