A review by alongreader
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala


What a fabulous, fun read.

I don't know a lot about cosplay; it's never been my area of geekdom. Nerdism? Weeboness? This book draws distinctions between all three, but I'm still not sure which one I am. Not that it matters, as that's not the point of the story. This is a love poem to cosplay and all the work and imagination that goes into it.

I did have a minor problem; I followed along with the reasons they broke up, but I don't understand why Luca didn't try to explain things afterwards. Raffy had him blocked on socials, but they go to the same school, they're in the same class, and Luca knows where Raffy lives. He can't have tried too hard.

Still, that's a minor thing in this fabulous, fun book. And I even learned about flat backed sequins!