A review by thewomancalledsun
The Box in the Woods by Maureen Johnson


So this was amazing and I want like 50 more mysteries with Stevie, Nick, Janelle, and David. I had to specify everyone of them or else I might get a book without Nick, and that would be a travesty.

So you may be wondering if this was such a great book why 4 stars? Well simply put it wasn't a 5 star read for me, which I feel I must say is NOT a bad thing. We can't all be extraordinary or else all that is extraordinary would simple be ordinary. Nevertheless The Box In the Woods is still a new favorite of mine. The Box in the Woods is 100% one of the better books I've read this year, and definitely one of the best mysteries I've had the privilege of enjoying. I very literally devoured the whole book in one sitting. I did miss Ellingham Academy as a setting and Hunter and I really hope to return to them in future books( also Stevie & gang becoming like teaching assistants at Elingham would be a super cool premise). The Box in the Woods is feel good book I will be reading and rereading and rereading many times in the future. And probably again this year the minute I get my hands on the audio-book. Highly highly recommend.

Maureen Johnson if by some weird stroke of the universe you see this review I am BEGGING you to never stop writing this series. Somehow Stevie & gang solving murders has morbidly become my new coping mechanism.