A review by bookish_brooklyn
Draekora by Lynette Noni


After the devastating climax in Raelia, which honestly took me ages recover from (I finished it late August this year, I’d taken a slight breather from Lynette Noni’s world of wonder and feelings that is her Medoran Chronicles (it’s true!), but then I met Lynette over this past weekend at Supanova Adelaide, and I knew it was high time to resume my adventure with Alex Jennings.
That’s exactly what Lynette’s books are in all their forms, adventures! And there is honestly no way I could even begin to imagine what would unfold in Draekora!
Did I love it?
Absolutley! Every moment was utterly awe inspiring, every bit filled with wonder as Akarnae and Raelia were, but even more so! Just when I thought Lynette Noni couldn’t excel in her stories further, she completely knocks it out of the park!
Draekora essentially resumes not long after the events of Raelia, with three out of our friends of four undertaking a quest to see if they can learn if Aven’s manipulations hold any substance to them. Now, I definitely had my suspicions as to whether or not Aven had an ulterior motive, so I don’t want to comment further on that for not wanting to spoil, but I will say that right from Chapter One, I had such excitement upon being reunited with our friends, of course feeling their anguish given what happened in the previous book, but still clinging on to a shred of hope!
I’ve always found, whether it’s Lynette’s The Medoran Chronicles or her Whisper duology, that I’m always feeling hopeful for what’s to come! That in a sense mirrors my own personal attachment to this series and I definitely feel like its a total comfort read too! One that since the beginning, had cemented its place in my all time favourites!
I digress, though – back to Draekora.
Draekora has the pacing and nail biting, thrill pumping that you want any third book in a series to posess. What struck me as ultra impressive is that the balance of time is definitely held delicately! As Alex finds herself transported to the past, it was so impressive and totally unnerving reading about a specific character, how they were before how they came to be how they are!
The fact as well that such a substantially large chunk took place in the past really kept up the anticipation too! I mean, I felt like it wasn’t at all guaranteed that Alex would return to her time safely, and what about everyone else? The fact that Alex actually tried to break down Aven’s icy barriers were just so crazy! It just made me admire her even more and seeing the tender side of Aven was totally unnerving too, especially since we got to see that hatred and madness manifest, too. I still have chills as I reflect!
Accompanying the chills though throughout was total and utter awe inspiring wonder throughout, marvelling at Lynette’s brilliant storytelling. Such an example is when Draekora, is revealed.
Best title significance ever! And what came from it too is definitely one of my utmost favourite bookish animal companions! I loved their strong and personal connection with our Alex, with the most delightful tenderness and loveable banter thrown in!
I knew that the past would connect with the present, and Lynette Noni definitley did not cease to amaze for one moment as everything played out! I loved every aspect of this third installment, I was never not amazed and on the edge of my seat constantly! Just, wow! I’m so exctied to continue my journey with Alex and especially after that, frankly powerful ending in Draekora, I know the stakes are oh so much higher!

If you’ve not read The Medoran Chronicles, I cannot encourage this enough! They’re everything you need right now ;).

More reviews can be found on my book blog: https://brooklynthebookworm.wordpress.com/