A review by bookwife
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione



I have mixed feelings about this book. Kinda the same as the first couple. I liked it, just didn't love it. It is not one I would go back and re read. But I did love Wraith and Selena. I love that Wraith gave himself up fully to Selena. I liked that he didn't try to make her believe he hated her. I always feel like that diminishes the feelings. Why not just be honest about everything. I mean I understand that he was going to kill her.. even though it was obvious he never was going to do that. I think it will be interesting to see how he does with what happens at the end. I think he will be good for the family and I love that Selena just accepted it. Whereas I would be hesitant at first, no she went right into it. I love that! defiantly a good match..

Anyways the book was good. A bit long. I felt like it was kind of dragged out and I had to fight the urge to skim certain parts but it was defiantly a good read. You find out a ridiculous amount of information in this book. Um especially all the stuff with Kynan!! and yay for Gem :) I love them.