A review by sarahhr96
Against The Odds by Brittany Kelley


thank you so much Brittany and team for sending me an ARC of this book!

I absolutely loved this book!! it was such an easy and fun read and I miss Cameron and Jacob so much now!

This story is about a couple who was together and beyond in love years ago. But once they got out of college and both had dreams and goals, Cameron thought it was best to put their careers first. But Jacob wasn’t so sure. He’s beyond deeply in love with her and wants to make it work, but puts her and her decision first.
Years later, Jacob is a successful NFL player and assuming Cameron is living her best life in the career she loves. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. She is miserable. And he sees just how miserable she is when she crashes her car during a blizzard and has to stay at his house for a week.

I’ve been sooo in love with small town/second chance romances lately and this didn’t disappoint. I loved how both of them wanted the best for each other, but knew deep down they were still in love. I also really liked how Jacob was hesitant because he didn’t want to get hurt again. I feel like i’m so many second chances romances they just jump in it without taking a minute to think so this was nice. Their chemistry is amazing and the way they remember all the little details about each other and casually being it up every so often was so sweet. It was such a short and sweet read, but left such an impact I seriously haven’t stopped thinking about them for a week! I cant wait for the next book!