A review by ramimaalouf
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle


14 actionable takeaways:
1. Tries to keeps the past alive coz without it, "who are you?" says the ego. Even when it seems like it's concerned to the present, it misconceives it completely coz it acts upon it through the eyes of the past(acting a certain way) or future(insta likes, to impress ppl).
2. Time and mind are inseparable, to be identified w yr mind is to be identified w time and vice versa, past gives you an identity and future gives you a promise of fulfillment
3. Suffering needs time, it cannot survive in the now.
4. You cannot give your full attention to something and at the same time resist it. You no longer depend on the future for fulfillment and satisfaction you don't look to it for salvation. Therefore, you are not attached to the results. Neither failure nor success has the power to change your inner state of Being. You have found the life underneath your life situation. “nothing real can be threatened.”
5. What our mind thinks is the Future is just a replica of the past (experiences), so don't have that mentality that you wanna do smthn now just to have a better future.
6. Ask yrself "Am I at ease at this moment?", "What's going on inside me at this moment"
7. Keep some of your attention within, never get too distracted w life and forget about your within
8. Paying attention to the outer silence creates inner silence. Nothing in this world is so like god as silence
9. you cannot think and be aware of space by becoming aware of space, silence, allathat shit, you become aware of the space of no mind, pure consciousness, the unmanifested
10. Love is a state of being, you cannot lose it. What is god, the eternal one life underneath all the forms of life. What is love, to feel the presence of that one life deep within yrself and within all creatures. To be it. Therefore, all love is the love of god
11. The reason we get frustrated at things is that that makes us believe that doing that solves the problem when in reality there's no problem except the fact that you got frustrated at that event
12. When you awaken from identification with form, you enjoy the pleasures of this world but there's no fear of their loss so u don't need to cling to them, the craving is gone. You accept that we own nothing and the world doesn't owe us anything, only those who has transcended the world are the one's who make the world better
13. If you continuously make the now as a means to end (for a better future). You'll make every person you encounter a means to the end. This makes the relationship a secondary to you. What you get from this rs becomes primary. Ego gratification
14. Full attention is full acceptance is full surrender