A review by leapearlreads
Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove by Rati Mehrotra


Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove is a wonderfully crafted story. Anyone who loves upper-YA Fantasy with political intrigue should give it a go. It's fast-paced, brimming with action, and has an enemies-to-lovers subplot that any romance fan will enjoy!

Katyani is a fantastic FMC...she's strong and independent. She goes through a lot in this book and still doesn't waver. I absolutely adored her.
There are a lot of characters to keep track of and I would've liked a little more depth to some...they weren't as fleshed out as they could be and I felt like their actions weren't super clear, but perhaps that'll change if there's another book (I would love another book ;)).

It was actually difficult to give this book only four stars as I enjoyed it so, so much, but the pacing was a bit too quick. The plot moves very fast and I think that ended up hurting the story. I would've preferred to linger a bit before moving onto the next scene. This book could've easily been longer.

All in all, a wonderful book and I genuinely hope there is more written!

Thank you Wednesday Books for the ARC to read and honestly review!