A review by emily_loves_2_read
To Get to the Other Side by Kelly Ohlert


To Get To The Other Side
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 12/6/22
Author: Kelly Ohlert
Publisher: Alcove Press
Pages: 336
Goodreads Rating: 3.48

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for providing a digital copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: Trixie scooped up a chicken struggling to cross the road, and drove off, she knows that she has to find a new home for herself and her new feathered friend. Bear’s meddlesome sisters post an ad to rent the spare room in his simple home, without asking his permission. Still, when Trixie responds to the ad, he agrees to let her move in, despite immediate worries about keeping things platonic. Determined to keep her new room, befriend Bear, and give her rescue chicken the care she deserves, Trixie fights to keep her walls up and resist her romantic feelings for Bear. They have to figure out how to save a family business, pay for mounting vet bills, and navigate their own emotional baggage if they want to find the love that they all deserve.

My Thoughts: The narrators were Trixie and Bear, from their perspective. The spicy level was low, which I was okay with as it worked for this book. The characters were well developed, witty, engaging, and grew through the book. Trixie came off as likable and relatable and a little annoying at the same time. I appreciate the roommates to lovers trope. The author’s writing was humerous, emotional, sweet, beautiful, and intriguing. This book triggered laughter, happiness, the “awe that is cute” moments, and was a good read for me. I know that this is a debut YA Romance novel for the author, so I would definitely read more books from this author.