A review by jekutree
The World of Edena by Mœbius


World of Edena is an interesting read. It definitely feels like Moebius was super influenced by his work with Jodorowsky, a lot of this book is super super high concept and cerebral. It has a lot of Jodo’s voice in it despite it being a solo Moebius outing.

So, what is it about? World of Edena is about Stel and Atan (2 space explorers? Space mechanics? Not sure it isn’t clear) and explores what happens to them after they get transported to this planet, Edena. On this planet, they encounter organic food, earth animals long extinct in their time, an evil deity and a civilization of people that worship the deity. The more the story progresses, the more cerebral and high concept it gets. The story begins to delve into dreams, gender, futurism and way more pretty big ideas and themes. Thematically is probably the biggest influence from Jodorowsky as a lot of these themes in this story carry over from the Incal. I’d say that this would probably be best read as a companion to that book.

The writing is overall pretty solid. My only major gripe is that Moebius’s dialogue is over expository at times. There’s certain points throughout I wished Moebius would let his art breathe a bit more. There are definitely times I’d say he uses too much dialogue. But, Moebius has a good ear for witty and unique dialogue. I found that plenty of characters had a unique voice to them and when you meet the nest dwellers, you really get this. I love the way they talk so much, it’s such a blast to read the scenes with them especially in the chapter titled “Stel”. It’s pretty clear that the works of Moebius and Jodo are massive influences on people like Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis. Both great massive high concept writers like Jodo.

Visually, this book has no flaws. Moebius’s Art is tip top notch here, the man doesn’t make a mistake. Everything from the layouts to the lettering is done with such precision and style that you can’t help but gawk with every page turn. I love Moebius’s design of both the characters and the planet. I think his designs are the backbone of the book, all the characters are so visually pleasing that I would’ve read this without words. But that’s also a testament to his visual storytelling which is incredible.

World of Edena is a great book. I’d strongly recommend it both to high concept sci-fi fans and people trying to get into some European comics.
