A review by shaykay
Rough Touch by Willow Winters


So I'm obsessed with the Discreet Series by Willow Winters. I would be lying if the aesthetic of how these books look when they are all together didn't play a role in that obsession, but I got five more for my birthday, and I could not wait to jump into them. So the first book I had was actually the third book in the Valetti Crime Family, AKA Kane & Ava's story. So I always have high hopes when I go into these books, especially the Valetti series, because I'm obsessed and love the mafia angle. Well, this one was sadly my first fail in the series. So in this book, we follow Kane and Ava, who aren't connected to the family like Vince and Dom were. That might have played a small role because I didn't go into this book already connected to these characters. I honestly thought Ava was the sister of Dom and Vince, and I was so wrong. Kane is technically a part of another crime family. Still, they are trying to make the Valettis part of the sex trafficking trade. They do not want anything to do with it, and Kane becomes part of the Valetti family by protecting them. All of that sounds so cool, I'm so fascinated with the crime world right now, and I've wanted more of that crime side in the previous two books. Still, I just wanted more of a backstory for Kane and Ava in this one. I feel like everything about them in this book was rushed, and I wanted it expanded. Especially, Ava, we know very little about her past. Still, it sounds exciting to see how she went from being this mafia princess to part of this trade because she's a victim she's not part of the organization that was trafficking. It felt rushed and insta-lovey, and I just wanted more back stories of these two. We get a little more of Kane's backstory, but I think that even that was really rushed, so, unfortunately, this one just didn't work for me.