A review by andreasromancebooks
Dear Santa, Send Me a Cowboy: A Spicy Christmas Novella by Remi Rose


2.25 ⭐️ Mmm... yeah, no thanx, I'm good.

See, asking Santa for a cowboy seemed like a good idea in theory. This guy, however, needs to learn to use his words and mind his business. And, sure, I'll suspend my disbelief all the way and all that, and even still I wouldn't let this guy touch me with a 10 ft pole.

When single mom Diana gets tipsy one night and writes a drunken letter to Dear ol' Santa asking for a cowboy to have and to hold, she definitely wasn't expecting the grumpy son of the sweet man who always delivers her fir tree to come a-knocking. Especially on her first night alone after leaving her kid with his father for the holidays.

That all sounds like a book I would enjoy. And I'm sure I would if this was a 21st century romance-book cowboy we were talking about. This asshat, however, goes around being like "I need to discipline you, woman. You ain't listening to me". And I wish I was kidding but those are literally things he says/ thinks in this book. He has known her for about 10 minutes by the time he starts with those kinds of thoughts. There are zero conversations had about anything before he basically forces her to engage in impact play (sp*nking) outside on her lawn in the middle of a blizzard!! Like, seriously, what in the actual hell!?

Then, there are enough grammatical mistakes to made me dizzy, but tbh I usually forgive those when the book's good. I'm not in a very forgiving mood, though.

All in all, I would recommend you skip this book and pick up some of the other amazing books -similar to this one- that are coming out this holiday season.