A review by kymreads
Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin


Nick is such a refreshing male leading character - a professional league hockey player who is smart, kind, honest, sincere, not a player...really a perfect guy!

Camille begins as the stereotypical “I don’t date (fill-in-the-blank sport) professional athletes because I’ve been hurt by one in a relationship before” type of character. But as the story progresses, we see that Cali has been effected by many more issues than that. There’s a lot of challenges for her: family issues, career decisions and a past she is still dealing with. (Avoiding spoilers here!).

And yet through it all, there’s Nick. Strong, dependable, and genuinely unwavering.

A great story - very touching!

Thank you NetGalley and Loveswept for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.