A review by ceruleanjen
The Art of Discarding: How to Get Rid of Clutter and Find Joy by Nagisa Tatsumi


I can see where Marie Kondo got her inspiration from, though this goes more into the psychology of why we find parting with items difficult, as well as ways in which to discard of items. This book definitely felt more like a “tough love” than Marie Kondo’s, and the categories are even more broad.

Several examples of why discarding is difficult resonated with me and some of the tips seemed useful, but this one isn’t as helpful to me now as it may have been years ago. I didn’t agree that storage and organization aren’t necessary. I get that neither solve the problem of having too much but I find both a great help once I have decluttered in keeping things tidy.

This is more catered to those who live in Japan in some sections, such as tips on where to discard items, but you should be able to use those suggestions in other countries with ease. It was interesting to see how Japan views certain items more differently than my country does (USA).

I didn’t particularly care for the writing style and I feel Marie Kondo did a better job at expressing the “joy” part, but overall I’m glad I read this and did find some valuable information in it. Seeing examples of my own or similar thought processes was probably the most helpful parts for me.