A review by findyourgoldenhour
The River Why by David James Duncan


I desperately wanted to like this book. If I had picked it up on my own, I wouldn't have bothered to keep reading past the first 50 pages. But I picked this for the book discussion group at the store! I had to finish it! I kept looking at the stellar reviews here on goodreads, the ones that called it their all-time favorite, and I was wondering what book they read, because it couldn't be this one. It had moments of insight that I would highlight and flag and think, "Okay! Now it's going somewhere!" But it was fleeting, and then the rambling would begin again.

Usually when I read a book for this discussion group, even if I hate the book, there is at least one person who liked it and could give me an appreciation for things I may have missed. Not this time. It was universally despised.