A review by booksoneveryshelf
Dreams of Savannah by Roseanna M. White


I've been racking my brain trying to think of what to say about this book. . . It definitely left me with a hangover! And a lot to think about. Ms. White always does, though. I found much of it very timely and I'm not sure why that surprised me, but it did. It shares perspective of the Civil War that I've not seen/read before, as well as revealing opinions and misconceptions that some held regarding skin color and slavery.  
As always, Ms. White's writing is both beautiful and at times, heart-wrenching. Her words drew me into the story from the first few sentences and I often found myself going about my day, wondering what was going to happen next! I loved that Cordelia is a storyteller with a colorful imagination! Her outlandish stories often made me laugh, while also revealing her heart and her desire for hope in a country at war. And though parts of it were painful for him, I greatly enjoyed following Phineas as his perception of the world changed, even so far as to how he viewed himself. In a time of great turmoil and unrest, he and Cordelia both had to decide if they would continue to fight for what they had been taught their entire lives, or if they would allow their change in perspective to also change their actions. I also really appreciated how the author showed that the conflict behind the Civil War wasn’t only in regards to slavery. That was something I remember being taught in history class, but didn't really understand as much until reading this story. 
If you're looking for a book that might very well challenge your understanding of history and the people who lived it, I would highly recommend this book!

*My thanks to the author and publisher for my copy of this book! I was not required to write a review, positive or otherwise, and have not been compensated for in it any way. All opinions expressed are my own.