A review by overtherainbow031
We Own Tonight by Corinne Michaels


I really enjoyed this story. It was not your typical romance trope either with the "hot rockstar" and I loved that about this!

Heather and Eli were magical in their interactions and their story. Seeing Heather care for everyone but herself broke my heart, but I could also relate. Her sister Stephanie became her responsibility early on after their parents died. Having the 12 year age gap also made it feel like a parental role that Heather had to take, rather than the big sister she should have been. Add in Stephanie's illness and how it affected them both, you knew Heather needed some romance in her life, even if just for one night.

Enter her childhood crush, Eli Walsh of Four Blocks Down, and front row tickets. Mix in some heavy drinking and catching his eye, you have her getting pulled to the meet and greet after.

Eli is his dealing with his own beasts and having to face that he is over 40 and life might be catching up with him. Top it off with some health issues of his own that he doesn't want to deal with, and you have a recipe for an explosive romance.

I loved that there was love, laughter, tears, compassion, trials, and chances for real growth in these characters throughout this story. This is one that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.