A review by kzimm2024
Dragons' Jewel by Milly Taiden


It was ok, the story jumped around a bit at first and was hard to follow so I was like "oh she must be a new author I will cut her some slack".

But NO- she has tons of books out so, sorry, no mercy now...
It introduces too many characters at once and with no time to get to know those characters before the story moves on. Problem with doing that- it makes me not care about following them into future books, which hey! Seems to be what is happening with a series planned.

Heads UP- Irritating spoilers ahead:

Who volunteers to be a surrogate but is all of a sudden- No I'm not ready to be a mother?

Who wants to hear the science behind the sunburn balm? The berries and the bark- really?

It seems like a good world, did anyone else find it a little too convenient that the whole ALIEN planet already spoke English as the common language??
I get that they were heading towards the women having their DNA from past Earth visitations so they can reproduce with them but it was a little too convenient.

And she was jumping into bed with 2 guys within 24 hours- too insta for me for it to feel legit.

Probably won't be following the series, it could be hot but not emotionally investing enough for me.
Left me a bit grumpy- can you tell??