A review by cindyc3689
Maid-sama! Vol. 18 by Hiro Fujiwara


It's ending. No... it's already ended. Chapter 85 was really the end.

Aaaargghh.... I wish writer-san didn't stopped the story at graduation day and then jumped 10 years ahead. I want to see Usui make up with the Walker family. I want to see Misaki conquering campus life. I want to see Suzuna dan Hinata. I wanna see Aoi and Tora and Gerald and THE Ninja. I wanna see Misa chan with her Maid sama uniform, while Usui teasing on her. \(*_*')V

Oh well, it ended properly at least. Nice to see everybody and how they're doing over a decade.

It was an amazing journey (about 5 - 6 years, as far as I remembered). I had a share of good laugh, shed some tears, my heart skipped some beat too. It was very interesting to see how Misaki had developed into a more open and loveable and not that bitter annoying hipocratic person. It was very heart warming to see Usui grown up into more responsible man with dreams and more volition to aim for bigger hopes. So, goodbye Misaki, goodbye Usui. Hope for the best for both of you. Bubbyeeee..... *keep waving hands till the chopter out of sight*

(it's reeaaaaallyy the end, right?? positively no other chapter after this? why? coz I miss them already, that's why. common, show me Africa. let me peek... no?! Not even a little bit? pleaasee.... no!?! seriously, I feel a little sick - slight headache, please let me see THE Doctor. NO!!! *throw away manga*) BAKA USUI!! #eh

I always thought that Misaki will eventualy become a diplomats - just like Princess Masako - before her marriage. But I never would thought Usui will become a Doctor. I thought he's more a bussiness man, taking over family trades or something like that. So glad that he uses his geniuses to worked for the good of people, and not just to enrich his own (illegitimate) family *satisfied evil grin*