A review by ashleysbookthoughts
Horse Girls: Recovering, Aspiring, and Devoted Riders Redefine the Iconic Bond by Halimah Marcus


I’m not, nor have I ever aspired to be, a horse girl. While I wasn’t sure if I would get much out of this book, I rather enjoyed it. Many of the essays challenge the narrative that love of horses is inherently only for little girls. Why are things women like often deemed “basic” or whatever the preferred term is? They also address the wealthy thin whiteness of American barns despite a rich history of POC riders and some of the darker aspects of horse girl culture.

Some of the essays were tough for me because they assumed a basic understanding of horse/barn terms that I didn’t have. Others could have benefited from a bit more editing because they meandered a bit, making the through line hard to find.

Some, however, were quite excellent. Standout essays for me by Carmen Maria Machado (with a brief appearance by the woman from the dream house), C. Morgan Babst, Maggie Shipstead, and Sarah Enelow-Snyder.

Thanks to Harper Perennial for the gifted finished copy. A surprisingly insightful and engaging read. 3.5 stars.

CW: sexual harassment, sexual assault, eating disorders, bullying, descriptions of inhumane treatment of horses, divorce, financial problems, suicidal imagery