A review by comicbookchick25
Husbands by Tania del Rio, Sierra Hahn, M.S. Corley, Ron Chan, Brad Bell, Natalie Nourigat, Ben Dewey, Jane Espenson


4/5 stars

This was adorable, gorgeously drawn, and one of my favorite tropes of where two people can be in a different world or a different time but they will still find their way to each other and a way to be together. And each of the challenges they faced was like a metaphor for an obstacle in a relationship it was just so cute.

I thought that the Characters were cute and I routed for them every time, but they didn't really get fleshed out or put depth and I think that's just because this is more for people who have a preexisting knowledge of these characters through the show, which I've never seen before.

Since each issue is a different story I'm gonna rate this like a bind up.

Drawn In
3/5 stars
"The Superhero One"
Probably my least favorite of the bunch because it just felt clunky.

Equally Ever After
4.5/5 stars
"The Princey One"
Adorable, my first inclination that I'd like this book.

A Case of Assumption
4/5 stars
"The Sherlock One"
The mystery kinda was all over the place in the beginning but it really came together nicely by the end. And I really loved the Johnlock vibe they were giving each other. It was my weakness.

Nocte Machinas
4.25/5 stars
"The Space Aliens One"
I thought this one was precious and raised a good dilemma and I would totally watch a movie of this.

Arch Nemesis
5/5 stars
"The Archie One"
Obviously I loved this one because I'm a sucker for the Archie aesthetic. And thought the plot was cute but only wished that it was resolved better.

Agent Secrets
3.5/5 stars
Drawn amazing, I loved the snake chick, and thought they had good chemistry in this one, but other than that it wasn't as memorable.

This was not what I was expecting but I ended up loving the fantastical plot of it all with the wedding gift book that transports them to these different worlds, and I definitely want to pick up the TV show now.