A review by morganlmace
Finding Gene Kelly by Torie Jean


Before I start my review of Finding Gene Kelly, I want to be fully transparent that Torie Jean is one of my dearest friends and this book is WONDERFUL! I also want to state that even if she wasn’t a good friend of mine I would still LOVE this book, and everyone needs to go read it right NOW. What’s not to love when there’s a beautifully written own voices representation of endometriosis, your backdrop is the “City of Love”, you have childhood frenemies who FAKE DATE (but honestly there’s been A LOT of pining/unrequited love), all of the puns, the POSTCARDS and two characters (Evie and LIam) who are reunited in one of my most favorite “meet cutes” EVER (“Nope” – IYKYK). The banter between Liam and Evie is just *chef’s kiss* and just all of the things Liam and Evie do for each other had me swooning throughout the whole book – I mean we even get a grand gesture at the end! WARNING: this book will also make you want all of the carbs, cheese, and wine you can get your hands on!

Potential readers should heed the content and trigger warnings that Torie Jean has placed at the beginning of Finding Gene Kelly, which I for one am a huge proponent of. While at its heart Finding Gene Kelly is a romance (and a GREAT one at that), it also deals with many heavy issues that will make people feel seen and need to be in the right headspace before they read. Torie Jean’s own voice representation of living with endometriosis and the effort it takes to be one’s own advocate will strike a chord with many readers and provide an outlet for people who live with endometriosis to feel seen and heard. Also, knowing Torie Jean personally, all the tiny nods to her friends and important people in her life throughout the book also gave me all the feels and made this book even more special and wonderful.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided to me through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Torie Jean, NetGalley and Xpresso Tours for giving me the opportunity to read this book!