A review by mohan_vee
Power of the Valkyrie by Chris Studabaker


Not to be confused with Marvel's recent "Valkyrie" title or other Asgardian titles, "The Power of the Valkyrie" from Arcana Comics presents a Norse themed action adventure with a compelling heroine unexpectedly cast in the role of the titular character. Unlike the recent offerings from Marvel, this book fails to create a compelling story or present characters with any real complexity.

Although nominally based on Norse legends this book fails to come demonstrate any distinctly Norse or Asgardian elements. It also portrays Loki as a demonic overlord, has two demons masquerading as Mulder and Scully clones from the X-Files and contains weird and clunky references to the Arthurian myths. Equally irritating is the heroine's costume, which includes 80's style spandex bike pants and would be more appropriate for a long night at the Club Asgard VIP lounge then fighting frost giants. Oh, and they left out the frost giants too! As such, this book does not represent the best work from Arcana and is fairly disappointing.