A review by mercedes
Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie


I enjoyed this so much!

I was sceptical at first, because at the start it was fairly slow moving, and for a while there you wouldn't have even known that Poirot existed in the same universe that the book took place. However, once the pace sped up slightly, I settled back into a familiar rhythm reminiscent from Murder on the Orient Express of non-stop thrilling intrigue. 

One thing I like from the two Agatha Christie's I've read so far is that each and every character, no matter how minor, is full of personality, even in a short book like this. It's so easy to become invested in the lives of the characters, even if they're not necessarily likeable, because of this. 

Not only did the mystery keep me on my toes, but this book felt so cosy and warm, despite the gruesome details. Agatha Christie actually wrote this book in response to a complaint from her brother in law about her murders not featuring enough blood, and blood is definitely the emphasis in this story.

I'm excited to read more in the Hercule Poirot series, and also to read more of Christie's works in general. I could hardly put this down, I wanted to stay with this story for a good 500 more pages.

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