A review by heather_whit
Dark Reign by Xavier Neal


What can I say that hasn't already been said about this book. Dark Reign picks right up where Dark Ruler left off. I will say Benicio was a force to be reckoned with in this book. We get his dark, twisted, and oh so delicious side within these pages. He does not hold back when he is dishing out all the punishiments both sensual and twisted. Chantel, now Chantel was put through the ringer, but in true Chantel fashion she came back swinging and with a vengeance! I will say all hail the queen where she is concerned. Trust me you need to read this and when you get to a certain place in the book you will know exactly what I am talking about. I adore her sass and love that she fought her way back to who she is.
I am so looking forward to more from this author. If you have read these books than you will know why.