A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
A Sound of Falling Leaves by Lisa Carter


I rarely read suspense stories, as they just have gotten too predictable to consume more than one or two every few months. That said The Sound of Falling Leaves is one of the best Christian suspense books I've read in a long while. There was certainly a sense of danger and foreboding from the start that never really let up. We know who the bad guys are from the beginning but just how/why/when they committed their crimes kept me guessing. There is a lot of bloodshed in this book. I was really surprised with it being Christian fiction and all, but I think in spite of that the messages of hope and overcoming fear with God's help shines through at the end.

I wouldn't say the romance in it is my favorite, as the hero and heroine seemed to go from loathing to insta-love father quickly, but it was definitely not the worst romance I've read. I think this works best going into this book looking for suspense rather than romance. Also, I think this is a story that will appeal to both the ladies and the gentleman. The author does a great job at developing both Tessa and Zeke and makes them both relatable.

This is the first book I've read by Lisa Carter and I'm happy to add her next book, A Vast and Gracious Tide, set in the Outer Banks (my happy place!). In the meantime, I'll give this book a reread! Recommended!

~ My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ~

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