A review by bookbae96
Call on Me by Roni Loren


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"This is a no-risk proposition. We don't even have to talk about it face to face. Work is work. Fine. This--this is just a no-pressure, late-night anonymous phone call. Give yourself a little break, mama. Indulge a little."

Oakley, former girl band star and mother of a special needs daughter, and Pike, badass drummer for Darkfall and all-around sex god with a phobia of kids, seem like an unlikely pair, but each are just what the other needs. When the two have to work together on a charity project, she's sure that it's a disaster in the making. Pike, though, is all in, because he knows what he wants, and what he wants is Oakley.

Pike was exciting on the phone, sexy and daring. But she could handle him in that venue. There was space, safety. But in person, the man was a full-frontal assault on her senses...The man could knock her on her ass with a few well-chosen words.

I have absolutely fallen in love with Roni Loren and her Loving On the Edge series. I can't believe that it took me as long as it did to find them, but, now, I wouldn't miss a book for anything. I knew a little bit about these characters, having met them in previous books in the series (Oakley in Yours All Along, Hunter's and Devon's book, and Pike in Not Until You). Then I read an excerpt of Call On Me, and I couldn't wait to see what was in store for them. Once the two begin to let each other in, it's no holds barred hotness. This is some sexy stuff, the kind that makes you blush, break out the fan, and check to make sure that no one is reading over your shoulder. When these two get together, forget the sparks, we're talking major fireworks here. (On a side note, not many guys could make calling their lady 'mama' sound sexy, but, oh, my goodness, major hotness. Like, swoon city.) And the story is just what I love, an against-the-odds pairing that turns out to be a perfect match after all. Once I started reading, I could not put this book down.

"I know I can't be the kind of guy you're looking for. But I can give you this. I want to give you this."
"What's in it for you?"
"You are."

I obviously loved this read, and could not recommend it any more highly, and if you haven't read the rest of Roni's Loving On the Edge series, there's no time like the present. 5+ 'hot as heck, are my cheeks red, oh, my gosh, I need a Pike!' stars for this one. Grab it, read it, love it. ♥︎