A review by ineffablebooks
Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves by Matthew Reilly


I still don't know where I stand with this instalment in the Scarecrow series. There are so many things I loved, but then there are bits that just didn't really seem to sit the right way like the other M.R/Scarecrow books do.
The build up to the reveal of the leader of the Army of Thieves and his intentions (I felt), were a bit drawn out - if the whole part with David Fairfax (WOO, YEAH! Favourite secondary character returns!!) and Marianne Retter (I need a novella about these two, stat) was inserted a 'Phase' earlier, I think the whole jigsaw of the plot would have become clearer rather than being 150 pages from the end.
Also, to build up this villain as being an expert in psychological torture and then to just
Spoiler kill Scarecrow (albeit temporarily) after two lots of electrocutions,
while still stress-worthy and off set with the perfectly timed yet DAMN FRUSTRATING swap to Fairfax, felt a bit.... fast? Okay, that probably sounds really cold of me, and yes, while the
Spoiler torture of Mother and Baba
counts as psychologically breaking him down, I was expecting some serious Winter Soldier/Hydra stuff that was drawn out and horrible and would get me all fired up like I did about Gant and that infamous scene.

On that note though, I have to take a moment to just vent my feelings for SCARECROW, OH MY GOD THIS GUY <3 <3 Three words:
Goddamn, this guy is basically your ultimate hero, and is the reason I'm giving it 4.5 stars. He just will not let you down and I freaking love him so much. If I could let him be on the Avengers, I would add him in a heartbeat.
M.R, GIVE THIS GUY A BREAK, I'm begging you! (and maybe, like, a few short stories of him just, you know, going about his everyday life, having a drink with David Fairfax, buying a new pair of reflector anti-flash glasses, etc. That would be nice.)

The (various) maghooks scenes, especially the truck/tower/maghook scene - they were stellar.
I didn't like the Army of Thieves. At All. Like, obviously the villains are there to be hated, but these guys were the scum of the scum, and nothing about them was relatable or understandable and I hated everything about all of them. So well done on making a fictional gang so hate-able.

I was pleasantly surprised when it came to Champion. I thought I'd never like her especially considering everything with Gant and the events of Scarecrow, but when they're about to zip down that cable car line, I knew I was already shipping them from the moment he saved her back on the plane.
Also the end scene
Spoiler with the sunglasses on the bed ! !
*mic-drop*. PERFECT.

I won't bother with detail about other things that irked me because really, they're so minor compared to the overall awesome-ness that is "the fucking energiser bunny" of Shane 'Scarecrow' Schofield (pg. 348. (I lost it at that quote)).
Personally speaking, it will never be on the same level as the first three Scarecrow books, but it was a pretty great comeback story for my favourite Marine.