A review by mistysreads
Smoke & Mirrors by Skye Jordan


I really liked Isabel's and Logan's story. Both of these characters had a rough childhood but were able to make something of themselves despite that. After Isabel spent 10 years in New York City, she realized that trying to make it in the fashion industry just wasn't working the way she had dreamed. Instead, the citizens of her hometown help her realize that she can do so much more.

Within the last year, Logan had gone through a heartbreaking baby scheme from his ex who still had a thing for him. Logan felt left behind when Isabel left when they were teenagers, he was scared to get involved with her again because he believed she was just going to leave again.

Isabel and Logan grew as characters over the book, they came out better in the end than when they started. I was happy to see their growth. I loved the story and how we got to see characters from the previous book. I recommend this book.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review