A review by alwaysbooking
Scoring the Billionaire by Max Monroe


Okay I expected the steam and romance and angst, I however did not predict all of the seriousness that was leaking out of Wes at all times. I mean I knew he was the more serious one of the bunch from the previous books but he was super serious in this book a lot. Wes as a whole in this book made me melt; he just adored Lexi which made me adore him. He didn’t think he was built to be a dad but man did he prove himself wrong. I really enjoyed the evolution of Wes as a character in this one, I of course hated him for a wee little part of the book but every rom-com needs that little angst in it. Of course the bro-mance was back in full force and I loved that they were back. I so enjoyed the scene where they were pushing him towards exactly what he needed. I promise I won’t spoil anything.

Winnie what an amazing character she is, a single mom, doctor and all around bad ass. She is taking no prisoners on this football team that’s for sure. Thank goodness she grew up with all of those brothers because I don’t know how I would handle being in that locker room with all of those rowdy boys. She is an amazing mother to Lexi, and every interaction with Lexi was sooo good. I liked how she just handled all the craziness of the group of friends with ease, no problems with anyone.

Lexi was probably the brightest star of this book, I know she wasn’t in the whole book but she was just too cute to pass up with all of her knowledge. How she brought everyone together without realizing it was pretty special too. I really loved the add on of Winnie’s brother’s I wouldn’t mind books about them too just saying.