A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Snow White Learns Witchcraft: Stories and Poems by Theodora Goss


The Athena Club series has been one of my favorite discoveries of 2020. I really enjoyed all those characters claiming their faith and taking life into their own hands. I also loved how Goss managed to really capture the atmosphere of all these cities and teach us some history along the way. So, when there was a discount on the e-book of this collection of fairytale inspired poems and stories, I didn't hesitate and got it right away. Especially because short stories are perfect to read on the side.

Just like with every story collection some stories grabbed me and some stories didn't. I do think that I wasn't in the right place when I read the first half of the book, because I did enjoy the second part of the book much better and I can't imagine that's because of the quality of the stories. It must have to do with the fact that I was quite tired when I read the first half. It might also be because I was mentally not in a great place a couple of weeks ago.

However, I really loved what Goss did with the fairytale like themes. Loads of different stories are told, some original, some inspired by, but they are all unique and they all come with a great take on the fairytale-world, morals, stereotypes and the fight between good and evil. I really loved how a lot of those characters took matters into their own hands and made choices that felt natural and yet bold at the same time.

I think my favorite story though might be the one of the sea witch and the mermaid. It was rather short, but it worked. Mostly because within the short story we really got a great impression of the world, the lives those two women had had and the kind of people they were. I also loved that this story seemed to be about friendship and female empowerment, about love and about standing behind your choices.

But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the other stories! There were loads of good ones, so make sure to discover them yourself!