A review by carolynaugustyn
Agatha Heterodyne and the Beetleburg Clank by Phil Foglio


I went into this knowing that steampunk and scifi aren't really my thing. I was hoping to expand my horizons, find something new and out of the typical for me. This...wasn't it. I wanted to like this so much- I love a good lady scientist kicks butt type of story! But I found myself lost several times throughout the book and there was a lot of points in the story where I wondered if I had missed some previous volume that explained the world better (this is volume 1, did I miss the world building volume? I was very confused). My confusion might be due to me not knowing much about the steampunk genre. So, in the end, I didn't find a new genre for me to love, but I could see that this would definitely a good pick for fans of steampunk and adventure comic series.