A review by moth_dance
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro


Visceral, in all the ways that also turn out to be therapeutic and revolutionary. Reading this felt like a screaming circle of women from past, present, and future.

V. is quite simply my favorite contemporary author of the decade. Just like my favorite contemporary author of previous decades, [a:Francesca Lia Block|9072|Francesca Lia Block|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1530045619p2/9072.jpg], I find myself in these stories, and by extension I learn about others so much more too.

There are so many lines in this book that took my breath away, so many moments that helped soothe my own trauma (I'm childfree by choice for life, but I have mother-wounds that refuse to heal). The connective tissue of learning about and utilizing therapy with magic for a Latinx woman was exceptionally represented, too.

Mothers are hard for me to connect with--as mentioned above, I have mother-wounds and actively fight for my right to not carry/birth/raise a child--but I felt myself empathizing, screaming, crying, laughing, and loving Alejandra and her kids throughout the entire story.

I hope V. continues to bend genres and represent all aspects of Latinx life.