A review by biblio_mom
Warm Hearts: Moon Popiah by Nishiki


Since Ah Hui father passed away in an accident when he was small, his mother took full responsibility to raise him up while being the bread maker by selling moon popiah in the hawkers market. She is strict and stern in her parenting, but good at hard. Only the good part is the one Ah Hui was oblivious to until a changed of events happened to his mother. At the end, he found out what his mother has been doing all those while, but its too late.

The moral values for children is to always trust your parents parenting is more than what it looks like on the surface. They just want the best for you and your future. As for parents, don’t be too hard on your children and there’s always space to be considerate and understanding. Never punished your children without explaining to them what they did wrong.