A review by ellelainey
Blood Drop by Jacob Z. Flores


Book – Blood Drop (The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge #5)
Author – Jacob Z. Flores
Star rating - ★★★★★
No. of Pages – 230
Cover – Gorgeous!
POV – 1st person POV, one character
Would I read it again – YES!!!
Genre – LGBT, Paranormal, Supernatural, Magic

Reviewed for Divine Magazine

I've been in love with this series since book one, so I'll readily admit that I binge read all four of the previous books again, before delving into this one. I'm glad I did. The story is deceptively intricate, flowing through all of the books and always connecting to the smallest details, that running through all of the previous books really helped me remember all the minute detail and the cleverness of the plotting and how it was all woven together.

I'm honestly in such a tailspin, after finishing the book that I have no idea where to start.

Aiden is a brilliant character and I loved getting to delve into his head, for the first time. This is another piece of genius by Flores, because although I would have had no problem dipping from one brother's POV to the next and then back again, I love that the boyfriends get their own say. Because each one is just as important to the story and the brothers as the rest. I love that each book has its own journey, despite them all weaving together into one mass plot.

I'll admit, I was crying even before 20%, because the way Flores can ladle in emotion through the words and actions of his characters floors me every time. Aiden is such an emotive character, to begin with, being able to sense the true emotions of those he's with, that seeing it all from his side was heartbreaking. And it wasn't the only time. I think I must have cried about 4-5 times throughout the whole book.

The start of the story, with the bar events, really got things kicked off with a bang. I loved the natural responses of the boys to the homophobic threat and how they eventually handled it. They're all kegs of gunpowder at the best of times, with a spark just about to set things off. The way that singular event spurred so much chaos was so clever. I loved that it brought Aunt Millie back into the picture and how it led to us learning even more about Aiden. The change in him and the twist of that change occurring and what it meant, made me very excited to read what was to come. It really labelled him as a force to be reckoned with.

At the same time, I love how the boyfriends got together and shared the big secret. It was great to see them working together as seamlessly as the brothers do. When Drake confided in Aiden and Kale, it really showed how much of a family they had all become to each other.

The badassery that I've become so used to seeing from the family really amped up a thousand notches in this book. No one messes with their family, the way that happened here, and when they do, you just know there will be hell to pay. I loved that you got to see how everyone reacted to the situations differently, yet all through the all-seeing eyes of Aiden, who could read their hidden emotions. It made the tough times even tougher and the sad times even more heartbreaking.

I will admit that I'm thrilled that my suspicions over who the Warlock Hag and Icarian really are were right on the money. That's thanks to the clever plotting and the many hints and slips that Flores gave us throughout the series. I also love the repercussions that followed, the logical and emotive responses as the truths were revealed and the way that everything came together. While the small plots hadn't really made a lot of overall sense throughout the books, this one answers all those little niggles that had bothered me about the Why and the Who and the When. There's really only one question left and it was only presented at the end of this novel, so I have high hopes that the next book – Kale's POV? – will answer it and let us know if there are more tales to be told from Havenbridge. I'd certainly like to think so.

Overall, this book is just choked full of excitement, action and revelations that tore my heart out. When I finally realised what the title meant, it was like an emotional bomb going off. Talk about explosive! I never knew that two words could destroy me the way “Welcome back.” did. They gutted me. And then to read the last words of the book “You've got it, my liege.” I was filled with so much giddiness that there are no words to describe it. Perfect doesn't even come close.

Any negatives? Nope. There was a single mislabelling of a character right at the beginning (it said Thad then, a few pages later, said he hadn't arrived yet) but that is nothing in the grand scheme of things. For an advanced copy, ONE single mistake is a miracle. There was not one other thing I noticed wrong with it. There are very few books I can say that about.

My hope is that Kale will be next to get his POV, as the boyfriends seem to be getting their say in the same order they appeared in, which is awesome. But I can't lie – I really would love to see stories for Elliot and Adam. Even if they were shorts or side stories or just freebies, I'm totally intrigued by both of them and would love for them to get their happily ever after. It would be great if they could find someone who understood them.


Favourite Quotes

“I shouldn’t be here anymore. The family didn’t trust me, and Mr. Blackmoor couldn’t even look at me. I had to leave on my own. If they threw me out, I’d never recover. “I’ll go.”
Mr. Blackmoor spun around and pointed at me. “Move one inch and I’ll knock you upside your head with my fist.” He held up his clenched hand, which had turned into solid rock.
That would definitely hurt even me, so I remained where I was as Mr. Blackmoor marched toward me . When he got within striking distance, I flinched, awaiting the blow I deserved. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.”

“I love you enough for the both of us. Just you wait and see.”

“Thad, his brothers, and the protector covens stood a few feet away, outside a field of golden energy Gerald had erected around us.
“Hold on!” Pierce shouted as he pounded upon the barrier.
“That’s right.” Mason kicked and punched. “We’re coming.”
Tears streamed down Thad’s cheeks. “Don’t you give up, Aiden. I love you.”
And I loved him. Seeing the fear etched across his pallid features made me want to reach out and comfort him . I’d take him in my arms, lay his face against my chest, and let the beating of my heart soothe him as I stroked his hair and told him everything would be all right.”