A review by carriebethreads
Whiskey & Ribbons by Leesa Cross-Smith


These characters will be with me for a long time. I am certain that if I met Evi or Dalton or Frances or Cassidy or Eamon i would know them immediately and be able to have a conversation with them. I am drawn to books that explore character and use the plot as a device to do so. For me, characters have to be distinct and their actions consistent within the framework built for them. Leesa Cross-Smith does this beautifully. Her descriptions of people and settings are complete without the heavy handedness of too many adjectives and metaphors.
Leesa is from Louisville, just an hour or so from my town of Lexington and she captures the region beautifully. I was fortunate to meet her at a local book store, dragged there for a reading of an author I'd never heard of promoting a book of the same by my daughter, on a work night none the less. As we drove to the book store I warned my 19 year old daughter, "I am not buying a book tonight! Don't even ask!" After 5 minutes of hearing Leesa reading, I whispered to my daughter,"we're getting it."
She writes with literary quality in a very accessible voice. I saved reading the book for my Spring Break and I read the whole thing in one day. I stopped only to run to the store to get some whiskey because, well it fit the mood! Whiskey & Ribbons is an incredible debut novel and I can't wait to read more from Leesa Cross-Smith