A review by bhalpin
Necrotech by K. C. Alexander


I once knew this guy who saw a couple of Kurt Russell movies in the 80's and decided to be a tough guy. He started wearing tank tops. He carried a butterfly knife for protection in the mean hallways of his private school. He took to turning chairs around and straddling them rather than just sitting in them. He then began coupling the chair straddle with pulling out his zippo lighter, flicking it open and lighting it with one smooth motion. He had obviously practiced. A lot.

He was trying too hard. And I kept thinking of him during the first quarter of this book. Our narrator is just trying way too hard. Or possibly our author is trying too hard to make our narrator look tough. So she talks, kind of incessantly, about how tough she is. And violent. And hardcore. And horny for everybody. And also tough. You can tell she's tough because of the creative swearing. So very, very tough.

The narration is so annoying that I nearly gave up on the book. I'm really glad I didn't. It begins with a classic thriller setup--person wakes up in a sinister lab with no memory of how they got there--and then transitions into another great trope--the "mission that goes sideways." It's fast-paced, action-packed, and tons of fun. If you enjoyed Dredd or The Raid, you should check this out. If you play Shadowrun, you'll probably like this, since the setting is pretty much "Shadowrun without the magic." Great twists and turns throughout, and the ending works perfectly--enough resolution that I didn't feel cheated, enough unanswered questions that I really want to read the sequel.