A review by missclaudiaar
Isabel and the Rogue by Liana De la Rosa


"Why do you call me sunshine?"
"Because everything seems brighter when you're there."

I loved this book so much! I loved getting into Isabel's head. I liked her enough in Ana Maria's book, but getting to see her true self shine and see everyone adore and appreciate her for who she is was so satisfying to read. As with Ana Maria and the Fox, there are wonderful quotes/conversations surrounding the ethics of colonialism and race; specifically colorism, which is something I feel like we don't talk enough about and it's just wonderful to see these conversations shine in a historical fiction novel. Super important and I definitely did a lot of highlighting and note-taking during those scenes.

Sirius Dawson, the man that you are. I thought Gideon Fox was swoonworthy but Sirius may have him beat (then again our duke hasn't had his chance to shine so he may beat them all, who knows). Getting to read him getting to know Isabel and see her for who she truly is was such a delight and when this man fell, boy did he fall hard. They're truly so matched and I adored them.

The ending was not what I expected to happen but it is so fitting for Isabel and I was really happy and satisfied with how their story ended. I can't wait to read Gabby's book, even though it'll be heartbreaking to end this wonderful series with the Luna sisters. At the end of the day, it's their sisterhood that is most important and still shines through in this second book. Gabriela and Isabel's relationship especially was so lovely and heartwarming to read, and I just adore these three women so much. 

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for graciously gifting me with an e-arc! Super grateful I saw the giveaway post on the author's instagram at the right time!