A review by angels_gp17
The Closer You Come by Gena Showalter


Gena Showalter is well know for her paranormal romances. I love her Lords of the Underworld series, but I’m also glad I picked up her contemporary romance to try. I feel in love with Strawberry Valley and it's characters.

Jase Hollister has been out of prison for six months and is now trying to make a life for himself. His two best friends or bothers, have all come to Strawberry Valley to start fresh. All Jase wants is peace, quiet, and solitude. He bears some major scars from his time in prison and his past; before prison. He dons’t show this on the outside, but inside you see he’s scared and scarred.

Brook Lynn Dillon has lived in Strawberry Valley her entire life. Brook Lynn and her sister, Jessie Kay, have struggled to survive. Their past was wonderful until tragidy struck their family. Brook Lynn has and is working herself hard to support herself and her sister ,who is a loose party girl and besides all that she was treated unkind as a kid for her hearing ads.

To say Jase and Brook Lynn don’t have a good first meeting is an understatement and to make it worse he’s bedded her sister. As time moves on and they get to know each other, the chemistry between them sizzles. They both have issues and Jase doesn’t make it easy for anyone to get close.

These two where a lot of fun. The slow build in their romance was enduring and the sexual tension was off the charts. When these two finally get together, oh my, do the sparks fly. They had to work through their issues and fight for each other. Jase and Brook Lynn have some good exchanges which where funny and enjoyable to hear and that “to do” list was a great addition to the story. I had a taste of this “to do” list concept in the novella and loved it so much, I was hopping it would show up in the other books and it did.

I really like the small town feel of Strawberry Valley and the characters were so reminiscent of what people go through in life. All the different trials, issues, and tribulations. Life is not easy. It has it’s good moments and it’s bad. We must learn to deal, move on, and fight for those we love.

Audio Narration: Savannah Richards was wonderful. Her narration was enjoyable and she brought out each character, handling the different voices and genders splendidly. She also brought the slow burning romance alive and the emotional issues to life.

I’m hooked! I had a lot of fun with The Closer You Come. It’s sweet, emotional, fun, and sexy with a little bit of suspense. I plan on picking up the next book in audiobook for this series.

Rated: 4 Stars
